Although there are many fruits recommended for dogs, you should keep in mind that not all of them are worth it, since many others are highly toxic for them.
The best fruits for dogs are the following:
* 🫐Blueberries: They have a high content of antioxidants, it is one of the best fruits to prevent heart disease. They are also rich in vitamin C and fiber.
⚠️Don't forget to remove the seeds, it can cause serious damage.
* 🍎Apple: It has digestive and astringent properties, ideal for treating stomach problems, such as its high content of vitamin C, calcium and anti-inflammatory properties, the apple is a very good fruit for them.
* 🍐Pear: 80% of its composition is water, so its caloric intake is very low. It is a perfect source of fiber and potassium, so in addition to promoting intestinal transit, it also helps prevent cardiovascular conditions.
⚠️ They are suitable for dogs with diabetes.
* 🍌Banana: Contains insoluble fiber, in very small amounts, it can be beneficial for dogs. ⚠️But an excess of it can cause serious consequences.
* 🍓Strawberry: They are one of the best antioxidants, so they are ideal for preventing cellular oxidation. On the other hand, they are highly beneficial for your bones and have diuretic and digestive properties.
* 🍉Watermelon: Composed mainly of water, so small portions without seeds will help you beat the heat .⚠️But give it in moderation due to its high fructose content.